Shangrila Soy Sauce 800ml
Product details
Shangrila Soy Sauce 800ml
Shangrila Soy Sauce is made of beneficial nutrients that not only is healthy but adds a tantalising flavour to your food. It is also a key ingredient for oriental cuisine like Chinese, Japanese and also used in a variety of soups. Available in a 800ml bottle.
Dimension: Width:72mm, Height:305mm, Depth:72mm, Weight:800g
Allergy Advice: Contains Soy & Wheat
Ingredients: soybean, vinegar, wheat molasses, caramel (e150), sodium benzoate (e211)
Storage Condition: Keep away from direct sunlight.
Nutrient Measurement Precision Approximately,Protein 0g,Carbohydrates 0.4g,Sugars 0g,Fat 0g,Fibre 0g,Sodium 433mg